One Tree Hill Gets Political- I Like It.

Last night on the new episode of "One Tree Hill",  Mouth and Millie worked on a story regarding all capital letters on street signs. In the show, they reported that it was uncalled for the federal government to require states to change the signs from all-caps to regular font called "clear-view" (STOP to Stop, for example). I thought the two made a good point, but I thought the story was fiction. This morning, I found out that it was NOT fiction at all. The federal government is actually making cities slowly change the signs, which costs approximately $100 per sign.

So, New York City is having to change 250,000 signs costing $25,000,000 while there are teachers losing jobs and thousands of homeless people on the streets, as Mouth effectively put into perspective on OTH. The government's reasoning for the change? It's hard to read, which causes people to focus longer on the signs, which therefore causes accidents. So again, as OTH so perfectly stated it,  we're going to have an increase in accidents, now, because everyone is going to focus more so on the signs- wondering why they look so different. The signs are in all caps for a reason: to maximize the size of the letters in order to read them easily. Now, the letters are going to be smaller and harder to see. 

Is this a waste of the government's money? I surely think so. Thank you OTH for letting everyone know where our money is going... and where it's not!

An actual news story close to home: Click Here

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