Archive for March 2011

Scream: Definitely A Classic in Waiting

As promised, here is Scream (the full movie). I hope you enjoy!

Till next time.

p.s. I've embedded a "Megavideo" video, and usually only allows 75 minutes of watch time before it makes you wait a couple of hours to resume. There are add-ons for your browsers that allow you to bypass the limit. I use Google Chrome, and use an add-on called "MegaSkipper".

Scary Movie Mania: Scream 4

It's no shock that I love horror movies... Last Halloween, I designed my whole blog around scary movies. This week, I've done something similar: I designed the blog around an up and coming movie, Scream 4.

Let me tell you why I'm excited. Like Toy Story, the 'Scream' movies are a trilogy, or quadrilogy now, that my generation has grown up with. "Do you wanna play a game" has to be one of the most well-known movie quotes out there... and the concept of the movie was absolutely original... it gave my friends and many other people a great line to drop when prank calling people.

Ok, ok so a white-masked, knife-stabbing killer isn't so original (ref. Halloween), but in the creation of "Scream", a villain & costume was created as well, and was turned into one of the most recognizable faces/costumes out there. Here's the major difference between the two: Scream vs. Halloween. When Michael Meyers chases you, he walks. When "Ghostface" chases you, he runs!

Since I saw the first movie, Ghostface has been a returning character to many of my recurring nightmares. Even though the movie may not have been the scariest I've seen, just the thought of a hooded figure popping out of the dark and stabbing you right in the gut, sends chills down my spine.

+ the first 'Scream' did something many movies have failed to do in years. It accomplished an intro that people will remember for the rest of their lives. Forget Sidney Prescott and the rest of the cast, Drew Barrymore's thrilling intro instantly made Scream a favorite scary movie upon the first time I watched it. I'll tell you what, I bet there's wasn't one kid willing to be alone after watching that. This week's Entertainment Weekly magazine rated the first movie very highly compared to 2 & 3- I bet this is why. Furthermore, the same magazine a few weeks ago also referenced Drew Barrymore's performance in Scream and went on the say they believed that her career was re-boosted following her small role.

I'll be sure to continue this train of thought next time---

Here is my plan over the rest of this week, and the next 2 weeks: 

  • I'll embed all 3 "Scream" movies- The first starting this week, the second next week, etc.
  • On one of my next podcast episodes, I'll play some music from the first three movies.
  • And as soon as I see the 4th movie (which comes out on 4/15) I'll write a review!

& Scream wont be all I write about... I'll still write on other things too!

Till next time.

My Spring Break Double Feature

Spring break just ended for me, and it pisses me off. No, nothing physically happened to "piss" me off. It's just the fact that my break is over. But... I was able to see 2 new movies. Lame right? Well going to the theaters just happens to be one of my favorite things to do. So what did I go see? "The Lincoln Lawyer" and "Red Riding Hood".

Here's my thoughts on "The Lincoln Lawyer":

It was EXCELLENT. I'm not a Matthew Mcconaughey fan... actually, one of my favorite movies which he plays in is "A Time To Kill" where he also portrays a lawyer. Anyways, in the movie, Matthew plays a pretty unliked lawyer who defends sketchy people from the rough side of L.A. He finds himself defending a guy (Ryan Phillippe) who is accused of assaulting a woman and attempting to kill her. The movie's not exactly a fast-paced movie, but it's very suspenseful. The whole movie will just keep you on your toes as it did for me. It was pretty unpredictable the whole way through. So, if you have a free night, definitely go see it! You wont be disappointed, I promise.

My thoughts on "Red Riding Hood":

It was okay, but don't go waste your money. It's a pretty neat portrayal of the tale, however it was just plain weird at some parts. The acting was good (I love Amanda Seyfried), but the plot was actually really boring. Apparently the director is the same director from one of the Twilight movies... so that may explain why the movie was kind of sucky. Other than that, the story is predictable. If you've read any of the Red Riding Hood stories, then the movie isn't too far from them. Overall, just wait until it comes out on Redbox. It'll be a good $1 rental. The only going for the movie is probably its soundtrack. Check it out on iTunes.

Till next time.

So I may have a gambling problem...

So, I may have a gambling problem... and my 21st Birthday "Vegas" trip is creeping up on me. That can never be a good sign...

For those of you who may not know: in certain states, people are allowed to gamble on Indian Reservations if you are 18 or older. There aren't any Indian Reservations with Casinos in Kansas, so I travel "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain". That's right, Oklahoma.  Picture this: Vacant, run-down buildings everywhere, trailer homes in every direction, rusted vehicles parked in lots on every corner... and BAM! A 5-star hotel and casino right yonder. Not kidding. As a guest in the hotel, you could easily imagine being right on the Vegas strip, but look out a window and no, there's never-ending forests with ghost towns scattered in every direction.

Now that you can see where I'm spending my money, you can understand how it's even possible a 20-year old can have a gambling addiction.

Anyways, I have this idea stuck in my head that I will win a million dollars when I go to the casinos... This has been my goal the past 10 times I've been gambling... and no, I've never come home with a cent more than I took. Hell, I've NEVER brought money back with me. I spend it all- a whole whopping $50. In fact, the casino often sends promotions through the mail based off of my spendings... which my family and friends get "free stays at the hotel" and "free money for spending"... My coupons, however, say "Remember to spend more money to get the casino rewards"...

Nevertheless, I'm still addicted. The only reason I only bring $50 to the casinos is because if I brought more, I would definitely spend it. And now, my family has planned a trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday... and I'm freaking out! How much do I take? Especially for 5 days? Plus money for food and drinks? Oh shoot, my nerves are shot just thinking about it. Damn it! If it wasn't for the kids doing so well on "Vegas Vacation", I probably wouldn't have ever dreamt about winning! It just looks so easy on T.V. Either way, playing the slot machines is definitely a fun pass-time. The music, the free drinks, and the many new slots with the touch screen which I have no idea how to play, is just exhilarating.

I guess the lesson in all this is: 1) Watch Suzie Orman once a week. 2) Don't believe everything you see on the television. and 3) play the penny slots to save money :)

So from now on, I'll be saving my money... or my change, I guess. I don't have lots of money sitting around. Till then.

Podcast: Episode 12

On this episode of Infinite Favorites, I've put together a wide variation of new music. I'm sorry for only saying about 60 seconds worth of words, but I promise that my next podcast will be "more talk, less play."Also, most of the music is Alternative. However, the last song is probably one of the more "Hard" rock songs that I've ever featured. I hope you enjoy.

The new music featured on this episode is:

1) Young Blood by The Naked and Famous
2) Under Cover of Darkness by The Strokes
3) Longing to Belonging by Eddie Vedder
4) Die Trying by Art of Dying

Till next time...

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

When will the sun shine? I'm sitting here in Kansas and have been severely deprived up the sunshine for almost three days! Okay, so three days isn't that bad. The good thing is that I have a playlist just for rainy days. So on this podcast, I've compiled 5 songs that I listen to when it's rainy... and guess what? They all have to do with rain.

I hope you enjoy the episode. Here is a list of the five songs that are featured on the podcast:

1) When It Rains - Paramore
2) Rain - Creed
3) Why Does It Always Rain On Me - Travis
4) Day of Rain - Thriving Ivory
5) The Lightning Strike (i) - Snow Patrol

Where's All The Good Music?

Is it just me, or did this week seem like a dead week for music? I wanted to find new, great music... but I was left disappointed. However I did find a couple of albums / songs that I really, really like. They're featured on my newest podcast episode.

"All The Same" by Sick Puppies
"The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! at the Disco
"Rolling In The Deep" by Adele

Yes, I know. There's only three songs. Hopefully I'll have more luck next week. Till then.

One Tree Hill Gets Political- I Like It.

Last night on the new episode of "One Tree Hill",  Mouth and Millie worked on a story regarding all capital letters on street signs. In the show, they reported that it was uncalled for the federal government to require states to change the signs from all-caps to regular font called "clear-view" (STOP to Stop, for example). I thought the two made a good point, but I thought the story was fiction. This morning, I found out that it was NOT fiction at all. The federal government is actually making cities slowly change the signs, which costs approximately $100 per sign.

So, New York City is having to change 250,000 signs costing $25,000,000 while there are teachers losing jobs and thousands of homeless people on the streets, as Mouth effectively put into perspective on OTH. The government's reasoning for the change? It's hard to read, which causes people to focus longer on the signs, which therefore causes accidents. So again, as OTH so perfectly stated it,  we're going to have an increase in accidents, now, because everyone is going to focus more so on the signs- wondering why they look so different. The signs are in all caps for a reason: to maximize the size of the letters in order to read them easily. Now, the letters are going to be smaller and harder to see. 

Is this a waste of the government's money? I surely think so. Thank you OTH for letting everyone know where our money is going... and where it's not!

An actual news story close to home: Click Here

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