Spring break just ended for me, and it pisses me off. No, nothing physically happened to "piss" me off. It's just the fact that my break is over. But... I was able to see 2 new movies. Lame right? Well going to the theaters just happens to be one of my favorite things to do. So what did I go see? "The Lincoln Lawyer" and "Red Riding Hood".
Here's my thoughts on "The Lincoln Lawyer":
It was EXCELLENT. I'm not a Matthew Mcconaughey fan... actually, one of my favorite movies which he plays in is "A Time To Kill" where he also portrays a lawyer. Anyways, in the movie, Matthew plays a pretty unliked lawyer who defends sketchy people from the rough side of L.A. He finds himself defending a guy (Ryan Phillippe) who is accused of assaulting a woman and attempting to kill her. The movie's not exactly a fast-paced movie, but it's very suspenseful. The whole movie will just keep you on your toes as it did for me. It was pretty unpredictable the whole way through. So, if you have a free night, definitely go see it! You wont be disappointed, I promise.
My thoughts on "Red Riding Hood":
It was okay, but don't go waste your money. It's a pretty neat portrayal of the tale, however it was just plain weird at some parts. The acting was good (I love Amanda Seyfried), but the plot was actually really boring. Apparently the director is the same director from one of the Twilight movies... so that may explain why the movie was kind of sucky. Other than that, the story is predictable. If you've read any of the Red Riding Hood stories, then the movie isn't too far from them. Overall, just wait until it comes out on Redbox. It'll be a good $1 rental. The only going for the movie is probably its soundtrack. Check it out on iTunes.
Till next time.