Saying goodbye to an old friend.

We've all lost someone special in our lives. Today, I lost my best friend- Woody. Woody was my family's first pet and this morning he peacefully left our lives. I don't have much to say about losing our pet, but I just wanted to post something about him. I know some people may think it weird to mourn the loss of a pet, but I find it rightfully just when you've had an animal in your lives for 14 years. I grew up with him and he's been with me during every step of my life.

Here's a picture of Woodrow. He's a Bassett Hound, 14 years of age and this picture was taken approximately 10 years ago. We were bored one day and decided to dress him up in some of my brother and I's baby clothes.

One Response so far.

  1. Ricky says:

    I feel your pain my friend.

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