My friend, Hannah, recently told me about Tumblr.(By the way, Hannah is my source to everything... Movies, music, cool websites, tv shows, and now, Tumblr). Knowing that I like to blog about media and just fun things, she told me that I should create a Tumblr. For those of you who are unaware of what "Tumblr" actually is, it's a blogging site that you go to just for small posts. For example, if you found a neat picture on the web somewhere and wanted to share it without writing about it, Tumblr would be the place to post it. This is my alternative to Blogger. I love to blog, however I can post so much more on Tumblr. So be sure to check out both of my Tumblr pages... you can find the links to the left of this blog.
"Tumblr 1" is just a site where I post completely random, unrelated things that I find neat and amusing.
"Tumblr 2" is another site where I post random things, however, this one is different because I actually create the things I post. I may not necessarily take the photos, but I am the one who is creating the different photo compositions.
I really do hope you check it out... and follow me there if you wish! If you have one, message me your Tumblr link- I would love to follow you too!